Hi, my name is Piotr Śliperski

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About Me

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I'm Piotr Śliperski, Computer Science student at AGH UST in Cracow. Currently learning microservices and cloud computing. I'm also interested in web development and devops.

In my free time I like to reset my mind by running, read some philosophical stuff and hang out with my mates.

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Stolica eXperymentu

Whole system for educational project based in Gniezno. It involwes event scheduling, payment system, kiosk displays management and many more.
Technologies I used: Node.js, React, self hosted Kubernetes cluster, Rabbit MQ, Prometheus, Grafana, Nginx, Skaffold, Lens, and so on...

News view
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Event calendar view
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Panel view
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Events view
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Lens k8s dashboard
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Archiwum Gniezno

Project made for local authorithies in Gniezno. It helps organizing documents (printed on paper) in city hall. You can also attach virtual notes and files to each document. This project is used every day by dozens of employees.
Technologies I used: Node.js, React, MongoDB, PM2, Electron, lists virtualization.

Home view
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User management and backup section
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Document view
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PSZOK Gniezno

Project for recycling centre in Gniezno. It helps to identify people who come to throw out some rubbish by scanning their QR codes. Dwellers can track how much they threw out and city officials can impose penalties for exceeding the limit. There are over 30k people who already used this system
Technologies I used: Node.js, React, MongoDB, PM2, Electron. This system also needed to integrate with external software present in the recycling centre.

Qr code generator
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Rubish tracker
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Employee panel
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Add new user modal
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One of the most complicated system i've made. Unfortunately it's no longer used.
KOOS is a tool for detailed control of thrown out rubbish. Everyone attempting physical container needs to scan card and waste. Then electric engine moves that rubbish around, so that camera can catch everything. Short footage captured by camera is then analyzed by employee (to be replaced with AI). If there is any problem system can generate report which may be processed in future. Technologies I used: Node.js, Electron, React, FFmpeg, Postgresql, MongoDB, own OpenVPN setup, Arduino, Raspberry pi, integration with external camera system.

How it works in reality
Raport generated by KOOS
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Event evaluation panel
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Projects developed as OnionMobile

Few games/applications I've made for OnionMobile. Interesting one is Cheatbook - application for organizing cheatsheet material for exams. Then you can control slideshow by closing left or right eye. It was kinda helpful in my high school ;) Technologies I used: Unity, C#, Android SDK, Java, Firebase, Google Play Services.

All above projects I've made in collaboration with Kacper Grobelny



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